
learning to code (finally)

March 20, 20204 min read

Photo by Safar Safarov on Unsplash

I have recently embarked on the wonderful journey of studying programming on my own. It has been a fulfilling challenge, and I intend to keep learning more.

I started with web development – since it feels like a natural entry-point for a beginner – and waded through the fundamentals (html/css/JavaScript – I love JavaScript!) and modern front-end libraries (ReactJS and Redux), and dabbled a little on backend (nodeJS, express, sql).

Here are the resources that I used in my learning:

  1. Udemy courses by Andrei Neagoie: Zero-to-Mastery and a follow-up intermediate course. Andrei has written a great article on how to learning coding from scratch. His courses are great for beginners like me, and he has built a strong and growing community of students / alumni that serves as a great learning / networking resource.
  2. freeCodeCamp – a free and great platform to learn. I used it sometimes to reinforce certain concepts that I was weak at.
  3. Code Wars – helped me firm up my JavaScript game with code challenges.
  4. YouTube – I went through a few tutorials building small projects and picked up some best practices in how to approach common problems.

To me, there are some parallels between learning programming and learning a new spoken language.

Both require a tremendous amount of muscle memories.

Understanding new vocabs from a book and knowing how to repeat a sentence after your teacher is one thing; being able to speak and effectively apply what you’ve learned in a real conversation is a totally different ball game.

Similarly, after finishing the courses, even though I have learned a great deal intellectually, I still found myself struggling when coding without tutorial and making the most simple of mistakes.

As such, I decided to work on a real-world project to help build up more experience and muscle memory.

I chose to build from scratch a front-end only partial replica of a friend’s e-commerce (Boxgreen.co) as it has features that I want to get more practice on, and their website looks good.

Here are my experience doing it:

  • Setup:
    • React, Create-React-App
    • Redux, for state management
    • React-router-dom, for client-side routing
    • Backend, no backend for now, just a json file for products
    • Design: plain CSS, button and form elements from Bootstrap, icons from Font Awesome
    • All images and asset taken from Boxgreen
    • Other tools used: redux-logger, redux-thunk
    • Git repo: https://github.com/yinhowlew/boxgreen-ecommerce-replica
    • URL: https://boxgreen.web.app/

  • Concepts practised:
    • React hooks: useState, useEffect
    • React-redux hooks: useSelector, useDispatch
    • Dynamic import: react.lazy/suspense
    • localStorage for cart
    • Functional programming
    • edit: integrated Firebase Auth and Firestore for signup/login/profile

  • Timeline (put in about 3-8 hours each day while wife is asleep):
    • Day 1 – Navbar; Landing layout
    • Day 2 – Shop layout; Product Listing mapping; Redux setup
    • Day 3 – Filter; Search
    • Day 4 – Cart page layout and redux
    • Day 5 – Product Details page; Routing; stuck at Routing issue for hours; Product Recommendation;
    • Day 6 – Bug-fixing; Mobile-responsive;
    • Day 7 – Refactor some code – separating logic away from components to Redux; Footer; Bug-fixing; more mobile-responsive;
    • Day 8 – Error page; Ingredient toggle at Filter; some Code Splitting; Price Sort;
    • Day 9 – Polish; Publish on Github Pages; Fixed routing issue caused by GH Pages;

Some learnings along the way – tips for beginners like me:

  1. Planning out the application and components well at the start is crucial.
  2. I wasted quite a few hours on simple mistakes such as using the wrong variable names and typos. To avoid that, I should have coded and tested incrementally with console.log instead of writing a whole chunk of code and trying to figure out what’s wrong at the end.
  3. Below is a rather accurate break-down of what I did – googling errors, debugging, Stack Overview, and just a whole lot of googling:
Coding is:

-1% actually coding
-40% debugging
-15% coffee breaks
-30% googling errors
–9% staring with your colleagues at the screen
–5% trying copy/pasted solutions from Stack Overflow

— Catalin Pit (@catalinmpit) March 16, 2020

  1. When building the UI of a component, I found it a lot more effective when I planned out on a paper all the layers of containers and and their class names before going ahead with the coding. Using temporary background colors for different layers/sections also helped in fixing CSS issues.
  2. On the first few days, sometimes I did my CSS Styling like a Vegas gambler – randomly adding in margin, justify-content, align-content, align-item, width, etc, and hoping that one of them would work. Towards the end, I started to get a better grip and was able to identify the exact CSS properties to use.
  3. Debugging with console.log and redux-logger is essential. Helped in figuring out why certain data is not showing, which state is not updating correctly, whether I have passed a data mistakenly in object instead of in string, etc.
  4. If your application’s states are large and complex enough, using Redux to manage state felt much more elegant than prop-drilling. As a bonus, for any component you need to connect to the Store, you can use Hooks from react-redux such as useSelector and useDispatch in place of mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps, and Connect.
  5. As much as I can, I used Functional/Pure components instead of Class components, and used Hooks such as useEffect in place of componentDidMount. For local states, I use useState Hook which removes the need for constructor() and super(). It felt more simple and straightforward syntactically, and it reduced complexity and potential for bugs caused by Class component.
  6. A good practice is separating business logic from user interface code. I tried to put most logic in the action creators of Redux, but I still have some ways to go.

Above all, the most important take-away is this:

Nothing beats building things on your own to truly accelerate your learning.

Every mistake, every fumble, every misstep you made will now be viscerally etched in your muscle memory; no amount of tutorials / code walkthroughs can replace that.

Thank you for reading

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